Sunday, August 12, 2012

Being Content

Hmm, I thought this picture was perfect whenever I am thinking about being content.  When
life makes us feel that we are not happy about something.... we should make lemonade!
I was reading a blog from Christian writer Joyce Meyer about being content.  I guess sometimes
this is something that I may struggle with.  She had 3 wonderful points on how to be content
                                                  1.  Have no anxiety or care
                                                  2.  Tell God your need
                                                  3.  Be Thankful

These are 3 wonderful points!  Having anxiety, I really do not struggle with and taking my
needs to God is easy.  The 3rd point is one that I do not do enough.  I feel very thankful
and greatful with all I have but sometimes I don't tell God that enough.  I am very thankful that
I have a husband who loves me and takes care of me.  I am very thankful that I have 3 sons who
are being raised in a Christian and loving home.  I am thankful that I have family and friends who love me.
I am also thankful that I have a God who forgives me when I may say or do something not so pleasing
to Him.  So, what have I learned today........I am going to say Thank You more often to God and not
worry about what the world says I should have or do.  I will be happy with who I am and what I have
because God has blessed me.