Monday, January 26, 2015

Blank Page

                 I've noticed that I haven't been on my blog for quite some time.  As I sit here and stare at this blank page, I think... "Hmm.... what should I write?"  Blank pages.  Isn't it nice that every day we wake up and get a fresh start.  We are a blank page, each and every day.  No matter what happened the day before or how we feel as we lay our head on the pillow at night, when we awaken in the morning, it's such a relief to know that we get the opportunity to be a blank page each and every day.  Just like the old hymn, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, "morning by morning, new mercies I see.... all I have needed, thy hand hath provided.... Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!"  Isn't that exciting?  We can erase that board and start new and fresh, each and every day! 
                 An artist will awaken and start a new painting and they begin their masterpiece with a blank page.  A great author always begins his or her novel with a blank page.  A composer always creates a new opera with a blank page.  God began his work with a vast void, or a blank page and turned it into something amazing!  Take your blank page each and every day and choose to turn it into an amazing masterpiece.


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