Thursday, January 19, 2012

One Word

I read a VERY interesting blog today from a woman that I know.  Actually, she is my former pastor's wife.  Her husband performed Adam's and my wedding many years ago.  Anyway, she blogged about this year and using only 1 word to describe your new year.  So, she used the word Prayer.  Each month she wrote who or what she would be praying for.  What a great idea!  She mentioned how hard sometimes it is to pray or how we can feel unequipped to pray or that we may not pray as well as someone else we know.  I know I have felt that way many times.  I do not pray lengthy prayers.  Mine are rather short and quite to the point.  I know others who pray and they always seem to know exactly what to say at the most perfect time.  
God states in the Bible that we are not to ramble on and on but to give a heartfelt prayer unto the Lord and he will always hear us.  So, PRAYER is a great word to use for that 1 word.           
Besides prayer, I would probably use SIMPLIFY.  That would probably better describe me.  If you look around my house, you will notice a few wooden signs, stars on my fridge and other things that have 1 word on it and that word is SIMPLIFY.  I have been trying lately to do that in many things in my life.  I cut back on my job from 2 days a week to now maybe 1 day a week.  That doesn't only help me but my husband as well.  I also try and SIMPLIFY the things in life that I am involved in.  Not only myself but what my children are involved in as well.  I am no super-woman.  So, I have decided I would rather have a peaceful heart and mind and SIMPLIFY things around me!
Thank you to Stacey for letting me "use" some of her and her blog.  I hope you can find your 1 word that describes you!


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